Level 4 - Funding your Training
You may be able to source funding for your Diploma course. Do not hesitate to provide our contact details to organisations from whom you are seeking funding and we will help as far as we are able.
You can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with course fees if you are 19 or older and have been resident in the UK for 3 years.
The Advanced Learner Loan is a government-funded loan to help learners. It’s easy to apply for, doesn’t take your household income into account and doesn’t involve a credit check.
Further information can be found at https://www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan
Here are some key facts about the loan:
- Repayments are linked to what you earn and not how much you borrowed.
- You only start making repayments from the April following the end of your course and when you are earning over £25,000 a year (includes income from ALL work that you do). Until then you don’t need to pay back anything, but you can make voluntary repayments at any time.
You can check your eligibility here: https://www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan/eligibility
Further details are available on the .gov website https://www.gov.uk/repaying-your-student-loan/what-you-pay
- Your annual repayment amount will be 9% of the money you earn over the threshold limit, before tax.
- Interest is charged on a sliding scale between the Retail Price Index (RPI) and RPI +3%, depending on how much you earn.
Loans are not means tested (or subject to credit checks) and current employment status is not considered. Partial loans are also available. You can take out up to 4 Advanced Learner Loans and therefore apply to our Level 4 and Level 3 Diplomas.
Find out more about Level 4 training today.
01480 276080
Advanced Learner Loans Available
You can apply for a loan for the NOCN Level 3 and Level 4 Diplomas.
Loan eligibility doesn’t depend on your income and there are no credit checks.