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01480 276080 ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

Level 4 – Fees and What’s Included

Course fees include:

  • All training materials
  • Assessment and feedback
  • Child and baby funerals section: Two, three-hour Zoom sessions
  • Interviewing section: A one-to-one Zoom session
  • Delivery section: One hour of voice coaching with expert voice coach
  • One overnight stay for day assessment session at Mitchell Hall, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire.
    (Including bed, breakfast, lunch and one evening meal)
  • Registration with awarding body
  • National qualification certificates from awarding body NOCN

To enquire about a place on any of our courses, please call us, click the ‘enquire here’ button above or email us your postal address for a brochure at ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

Advanced Learner Loans are available for this course.

Funding may be available to you for this course, please click here for further information.

The Advanced Learner Loan is a government-funded loan to help learners, just like a student loan. It’s easy to apply for, doesn’t take your household income into account and doesn’t involve a credit check.

Payment Method
Initial Payment
Due at time of booking
Final Payment
Due 3 weeks before Assessment
Self-Funded£2225 (£1854.17 + vat)
For the distance learning workbook
£657 (547.50 + vat)
For the Assessment and accommodation
Advanced Learner LoanN/a Distance learning sent when loan approvedPayments are sent to us monthly by the Student Loan Company£2882

How the course works
After being accepted onto the course, the first payment is made. On receipt of payment the full workbook is sent so you can start working on it.

There will be Zoom sessions to book within individual sections and you can book your assessment day in advance. You are advised to give yourself plenty of time to complete the workbook sections before attending the assessment day.
Please note: There is one piece of work that needs to be completed and submitted after your assessment day.

Prior Certificated Learning
It may be that you have achieved some qualifications already that might count towards the NOCN Level 4 Diploma. If you have previously been awarded any individual Level 4 qualifications such as Advanced Tribute Writing and/or Child and Baby Funerals with us, then please call us on 01480 2760780 and we will be able to assess whether there are some elements of this qualification that may qualify as Prior Certificated Learning.

Other Funding
Some organisations may consider supporting you financially to achieve the advanced practice diploma. These could be either within the funeral industry or external organisations, so do investigate any possible sources of funding.

Assessment Day
Call us when you want to book your assessment day. We will give you all the available dates and details. You will receive confirmation of your place on the assessment day when you book it with us. Please note that if you are required to retake any element of your initial assessment day, an additional cost will be incurred.

Cancellation policy
Please consider your choice of assessment day dates carefully as cancellation fees apply.
If you are unable to attend the assessment day you have booked, please let us know as soon as possible as the venue and assessors will have been arranged. Cancellation fees are payable as follows:
For assessment day bookings cancelled two or more weeks before the day, 25% of the fee will be required.
Due to the planning required with the venue, no refund can be made for bookings cancelled less than two weeks before the assessment day or for nonattendance on the assessment day.

Find out more about Level 4 training today.

01480 276080

Advanced Learner Loans Available

You can apply for a loan for the NOCN Level 3 and Level 4 Diplomas.

Loan eligibility doesn’t depend on your income and there are no credit checks.

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    Call us on 01480 276080

    or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

      Checking Celebrant Availability

      If you would like one of our Celebrants to conduct your ceremony, please send us the following details so that we can check availability:

      * Required

      Call us on 01480 276080

      or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

        Training Enquiries

        Please provide your details and we will respond to you as soon as possible

        Please note the Level 4 course is for practising celebrants only.

        * Required

        Call us on 01480 276080

        or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

        IT Skills you will need both during your training and working as a celebrant

        Do you have the following skills:

        1. Ability in creating, naming, using, saving and retrieving files and folders.
        2. Familiarity with using your version of Word (or similar software).
        3. Understanding of toolbars and icons.
        4. Ability to copy and paste sections of text.
        5. An understanding of ‘track changes’ and how to use this function.
        6. Ability to bold, underline and italicise text.
        7. Be able to change font type, size and colour.
        8. Ability to centre text in the middle of a page and right and left justify it.
        9. Be able to alter line spacing in a document and insert a page break.
        10. Be able to use the undo and redo functions.
        11. Understand how the tab key works.
        12. Ability to use headers and footers, bullet points and numbering
        13. Understanding of the difference between ‘Save’ and ‘Save As’.

        If you said ‘yes’ to all of the above then you have good basic skills.

        If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above then you will need to improve your basic skills before starting the course. This can be done in a few hours by using one or more of the free online tutorials available on the internet.