Classic Renewal of Marriage or Civil Partnership Vows Ceremony
You can make your Classic Renewal of Vows choices totally online, using the online ‘Ourceremony’ system.
You will be able to login and make all your choices, sending them to us when complete. You can select readings and poems from the online library and your whole ceremony will be created for you to see and print.
When you book your ceremony we will send you a login to our online site which offers you a series of choices for:
- The opening words of the ceremony.
- Readings from a selection of popular and appropriate poems.
- Vows from suggestions provided or write your own special vows and promises.
- Rededicate existing rings or give a new ring to each other.
- Present a gift to each other
- Ask someone close to you, such as a friend or relative, to make a speech.
- Sign a souvenir Certificate
- Closing Words of the ceremony
Take the time to consider which options are appropriate and have special meaning for you as a couple. As you consider the choices and make your selections, you will be creating a unique ceremony reflecting your commitment to one another, which will be fondly remembered by you and your guests.
Special people in your lives can take part in your ceremony, your children, guests who were at your legal wedding and any friends and relatives. You can also ask two people to witness the signing of the Certificate of the event.
Find out more about our ceremonies today.
01480 276080