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01480 276080 ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

Request for help with academic research about conducting ceremonies during COVID

Your help is needed…

Please find below an email from Professor Stephanie Pywell who is a leading academic researcher in the issues currently surrounding marriages in England. Some of you might recall that she conducted the original independent research into wedding celebrancy that fed into the Law Commission report.

It would be great if you are able to help with her latest research by taking part in the survey detailed below. Stephanie’s email is hopefully self-explanatory.



I am Stephanie Pywell (, Professor of Law and Social Justice at The Open University. I am emailing on behalf of my colleague, Fred Motson (, Lecturer in Law at The Open University, and myself.

Fred and I are conducting a large-scale research project involving a survey of groups of individuals who solemnise marriages, conduct religious-only weddings or lead wedding-style ceremonies – which, for simplicity, we refer to collectively as ‘ceremonies’ – and the people responsible for creating COVID-related policies or guidance for them to follow.

The survey explores these individuals’ feelings and practices regarding the creation and/or implementation of COVID-specific health and safety measures between 4 July 2020 and 18 July 2021, and what, if any, constraints they tried to implement in ceremonies during the first few weeks after all restrictions were withdrawn on 19 July 2021.

Full details about the project are given on the first page of the survey, which you should be able to access via this link. If this does not work, you can copy and paste the full URL into the address bar of your browser: .

The survey is open until 23:59 GMT on Sunday 19 February.

The password is Ceremonies with a capital ‘C’ and with no space before or after it.

Thank you for considering this request to participate in our research.

With kind regards


On behalf of Fred Motson and myself

Stephanie Pywell, Professor of Law and Social Justice
Law School, Faculty of Business and Law

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    or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

      Checking Celebrant Availability

      If you would like one of our Celebrants to conduct your ceremony, please send us the following details so that we can check availability:

      * Required

      Call us on 01480 276080

      or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

        Training Enquiries

        Please provide your details and we will respond to you as soon as possible

        Please note the Level 4 course is for practising celebrants only.

        * Required

        Call us on 01480 276080

        or email ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni

        IT Skills you will need both during your training and working as a celebrant

        Do you have the following skills:

        1. Ability in creating, naming, using, saving and retrieving files and folders.
        2. Familiarity with using your version of Word (or similar software).
        3. Understanding of toolbars and icons.
        4. Ability to copy and paste sections of text.
        5. An understanding of ‘track changes’ and how to use this function.
        6. Ability to bold, underline and italicise text.
        7. Be able to change font type, size and colour.
        8. Ability to centre text in the middle of a page and right and left justify it.
        9. Be able to alter line spacing in a document and insert a page break.
        10. Be able to use the undo and redo functions.
        11. Understand how the tab key works.
        12. Ability to use headers and footers, bullet points and numbering
        13. Understanding of the difference between ‘Save’ and ‘Save As’.

        If you said ‘yes’ to all of the above then you have good basic skills.

        If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above then you will need to improve your basic skills before starting the course. This can be done in a few hours by using one or more of the free online tutorials available on the internet.