Classic Commitment Ceremony with Celebrant – Deposit
• Ceremony pack with lots of choices of promises and readings.
• The services of one of our professional Celebrants who will meet with you before the ceremony and deliver the ceremony on the day.
• An Order of Ceremony.
• A certificate which will be signed at the ceremony.
What happens after you pay?
We will send you a booking pack in order for you to make your ceremony choices. (This will be during the next working day – Mon-Fri if you pay outside office hours 9am-5pm). We will also send you the name of the celebrant by email who will be in touch to arrange a pre-meet.
The booking pack needs to be completed and returned to us at least 3 weeks before your ceremony, along with the balance of the ceremony.
Thank you for purchasing your ceremony from us and we hope you have a truly memorable day.