Couple Ceremonies
Which ceremony is right for you?
Wedding or Civil Partnership Celebration Ceremonies
A personal and unique ceremony for couples of any gender that follows your legal marriage or civil partnership, or your religious formalities if conducted by a minister. A perfect solution for many couples.
Renewal of Marriage or Civil Partnership Vows
This ceremony is for any couple wishing to celebrate or renew their marriage or civil partnership vows in a unique and personal ceremony that says just what you want it to. Ideal for a special date or anniversary.
Commitment Ceremonies
A Commitment Ceremony lets you make a public declaration of life-long commitment, love and dedication with your partner, with no legal implications at all. Perfect for couples just wanting to say ‘I love you’.
Have a question about our ceremonies?
If you would like to ask a question about our ceremonies, celebrants or your special day then please contact us today.
Find out more about our ceremonies today.
T 01480 276080
E ku.oc.seinomereclivic@ofni